IT Consultants who want to make a difference and to make your business more efficient

IT Consulting is a term thrown around quite liberally these days. IT Consulting provides clients guidance on the best way to utilize information technology to achieve their business goals and objectives.

There are various levels to any IT consulting engagement. Essentially it depends on what your end goal is and how deep into the weeds you wish to go. Quite often a good starting place is to perform an initial on-site IT assessment to provide us (and you) with a clear picture of where you stand at that moment. Upon conclusion of the IT assessment and reviewing the results, it then steers us in the direction on the best route forward for an IT consulting engagement.

Today, many businesses are on the cusp of a digital transformation. To stay competitive in today’s environment, the choices are becoming clear. New technologies must be embraced. It can seem to be quite an overwhelming process and IT consulting services are required to make sense of all the available options and to provide a truly unbiased assessment of available solutions.

Artful IT Services Consulting department also works with our clients to identify possible shortfalls in compliance and industry best practices. Evaluating risks, identify possible exposure and formulating an action plan to help increase your businesses compliance.

Many businesses are left exposed not understanding their compliance responsibilities. Whether its PIPEDA, PCI compliance or any other applicable industry standard. This can create a large liability. In recent years insurers are also asking more detailed questions about IT security and the practices of how information is being handled.

Our professional IT Consultancy Services team is here to help.

Professional IT Consulting Services in Winnipeg.  Reviewing an IT assessment with a client about IT consultancy.