WiFi device management is becoming more of a concern for organizations

What started as a nice perk for staff and customers has morphed into a “must have service”, riddled with potential security threats

The modern world is so hooked up to online services that when guests (customers) come around, “How ya doing?” will probably be followed by “What’s your WiFi password?” But the host probably doesn’t realize that revealing this information could pose a significant network security risk. Guests might accidentally (or intentionally) download a malicious program or connect an already infected phone or computing device onto the network. The malware has the ability to spread over a local network (via WiFi) and the infected device will attempt to contaminate everything in its range.

Artful IT Services completes on-site IT assessments with customers and makes recommendations about WIFI placement and security part of that process. A dedicated guest WiFi connection is just the start of proper WIFI security planning and managed WIFI services / device management. And perhaps the necessity to throttle back speed and resources to the guest wifi network.

From a single access point to a robust network tying in multiple locations, we provide our customers with WiFi solutions which are scalable and simple for end users to access.

WiFi Security, WiFi Device management and fully managed WiFi Services.  Protect your network with Artful IT security services

Artful IT WiFi Security Services

Managed WiFi Services and security managed with convenience for your staff and clientele